
Study Guide - Grace, The Power Of The Gospel

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It's not what you do, but what Christ did. Never again worry if you are meeting God's holy standard. Paul's revelation in the book of Romans settles the issue.

Whether you are teaching a Sunday school class, leading a small group, discipling an individual, or studying Andrew's book, Grace: The Power of the Gospel, on your own, this Study Guide is designed for you!

Each study is made up of a Lesson, a Lesson Outline, a Teacher's Guide, Discipleship Questions, an Answer Key, and Scriptures. Some lessons also have Additional Information.

Included inside the front cover is a CD-ROM. It contains the Lesson Outlines, Discipleship Questions, and the Scriptures used within the lessons. You may reproduce as many copies of these three as you need to facilitate teaching to others. The other materials are designed primarily for the teacher.