
Study Guide E-Book - Discipling through Romans (PDF)

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Recently, a prisoner shared with me how he and a group of men would gather around in the penitentiary and read Andrew Wommack’s Life for Today commentary notes. This generated a lot of discussion, and many people were helped through these men’s Bible study. So I decided to put together a combination of Life for Today footnotes from the book of Romans along with questions and an answer key. We call this tool Discipling through Romans. The beauty of this particular study is that it takes a person verse-by-verse through an entire book of the Bible. In this way, we avoid many of the pitfalls that would emphasize only one particular truth at the expense of another. Expositional teaching is by far a safer approach to examining the Scriptures. I believe that you can adapt this method of study and teaching to your own particular group. You may read Andrew’s footnotes and then create a discussion, you could read the notes and then ask the prepared questions, or you could go directly to the Scriptures (read the scripture) and then ask a question. There’s a freedom to adapt this study and personalize it in your own particular way.