
Spirit, Soul & Body - USB Package

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Do you really know your identity in Christ? Until you understand the three parts of your existence, you won't experience who you are and what you have in Him. This is the key that unlocks the Christian life, and it's actually the foundation for almost everything the Lord has shown Andrew.

In this transformational message, you will discover the power behind seeing yourself as God sees and relates to you in your spirit.

You will also discover how to:
 • Renew your mind
 • Harness your emotions
 • Walk in the Spirit
 • Access supernatural faith and power

God made you as a three-part being, and you can change your life by receiving what He has already made available in your born-again spirit.


Items in the package include:

  • Spirit, Soul & Body - Book
  • Spirit, Soul & Body - Study Guide
  • Spirit, Soul & Body - USB
  • Spirit, Soul & Body - Audiobook
  • Spirit, Soul & Body Illustrated - DVD