
Healing Is Here Worship CD

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Healing Is Here is a compilation album that starts off with two songs from God With Us, an original musical production by Robert and Elizabeth Muren. These special songs launch the listener on an anointed healing journey through strong lyrics and diverse musical styles—from a Broadway-style beginning to contemporary, gospel, and traditional styles sure to be encouraging, uplifting, beautiful and, at times, meditative. Also including several "good reports" in between the songs, spoken by Daniel Amstutz with original music accompanying the spoken word. This studio project is a healing journey that you will want to experience from beginning to end, over and over. Album Includes:

1. Hem of His Garment
2. Isaiah 53
3. By His Wounds
4. I Receive My Healing
5. You Want Me Well
6. Who Else?
7. Till My Faith Is Sight
8. Healing Is Here
9. The Healing Medley
10. One More Time