
E-Book - Financial Stewardship (PDF)

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Experience the freedom of turning your finances over to God. Many misunderstand stewardship. When they read or hear that word they think of hard work or obligation. In fact, the truth is just the opposite. As you will learn, seeing yourself as a steward of God's resources is the only way to true financial freedom.

In this powerful book, Andrew addresses many of the sensitive issues regarding money. He defines Godly stewardship, the first steps to financial prosperity, the parable of the unjust steward, the right and wrong perspectives of the tithe and much more.

The bible has more to say about finances than most major bible doctrines like heaven and hell or faith and prayer. Jesus used finances and peoples attitude towards money to reveal their hearts. Yet, He said that trusting God in the area of finances was least in the use of your faith. It's important to know why.

True Biblical prosperity isn't selfish. It's not for you, it's so you can be a blessing to others. If you have been confused or uncertain about the role money should play in your life, this book is for you.