
DVD TV Album - Humility - God's Path to More Grace

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DVD TV Album - Humulity - God's Path to More Grace

This DVD album was recorded from the Gospel Truth TV broadcast. Each DVD contains one week of programming. Please note that while they do cover the same material as a CD album, they are not exactly the same.

God's kingdom operates on a different system than the world's. Society today operates in a lot of selfishness and pride. So many people are promoting themselves above others to get ahead in life. All of this is completely contrary to the Word of God! It says in Matthew 11:29 that Jesus was "meek and lowly in heart." In this teaching, Andrew will show you what the Word of God has to say about humility and its connection to grace. God can't make you humble; humility is something you have to choose (James 4:10). Learn how to do that today!

DVD's in this Album include:

Single DVD's SKU Options
Humility: God's Path to More Grace I 1090-D1 Add to Cart
Humility: God's Path to More Grace II 1090-D2 Add to Cart
Humility: God's Path to More Grace III 1090-D3 Add to Cart
Humility: God's Path to More Grace IV 1090-D4 Add to Cart
Humility: God's Path to More Grace V 1090-D5 Add to Cart
Humility: God's Path to More Grace VI 1090-D6 Add to Cart