
DVD TV Album - Faith Builders

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Without faith it is impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6). Faith is our victory that overcomes the world (1 John 5:4). Faith is essential to everything we do in the Christian life. Yet many Christians still struggle with faith. It seems to be an elusive concept to many, and even those who have walked in faith have trouble maintaining that faith walk. Is it really that hard? Not if you understand a few basics.

Second Peter 1:3 says that everything we need for godliness (including faith) comes through the knowledge of God. In other words, faith is based on knowledge. In this album, Andrew shares foundational faith-truths that the Lord has revealed to him. No one understands everything about faith, but his faith has produced miraculous results. He has seen blind eyes open, the deaf hear, and more than one person raised from the dead. These truths brought Andrew to this level of victory, and they will do the same for you.

 DVD's in this Album include:


Single DVD's SKU Options
Single DVD - The Reality of Faith - Walking by Faith-Part 1 1046-D1 Add to Cart
Single DVD - Walking by Faith-Part 2 - How to Overcome Doubt-Part 1 1046-D2 Add to Cart
Single DVD - How to Overcome Doubt-Part 2 - End of Self is the Beginning of God-Part 1 1046-D3 Add to Cart
Single DVD - End of Self is the Beginning of God-Part 2
1046-D4 Add to Cart