
CD - Eternal Life

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Most Christians can easily recite John 3:16. And many think the goal of salvation is just the forgiveness of sin to avoid hell. But there’s more to salvation than avoiding hell. John 3:16 shows that Jesus came to also give us eternal life. Unfortunately, the term “eternal life” has been largely misunderstood by the church. This is why a lot of Christians are saved and stuck.

In Andrew’s Eternal Life teaching, you’ll discover that:

  • Eternal life is a present-tense possession, not something that begins when we get to heaven.
  • God, in His great love for mankind, sent Jesus to restore the intimate fellowship that was broken by sin.
  • Eternal life starts with a close, personal relationship with God.
  • Once you truly know God, instead of just knowing about Him, you will be able to tap into everything He is and everything He has for you.

Don’t miss out on the tremendous benefits available to you here and now. Order this teaching today!