
CD Album - You've Already Got It!

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Most Christians believe God CAN do anything, but they don't believe that He HAS done very much. They live their whole Christian lives seeking, trying to get the Lord to heal, deliver, bless, and prosper them; but He's already done it. The true key to the Christian life is to quit asking and start believing and commanding. This album will challenge your beliefs, and if accepted, it will change your life.

CD's in this Album include:

Single CD's SKU Options
We're Already Blessed K99-C Add to Cart
Grace And Faith K100-C Add to Cart
It's In The Spiritual Realm K101-C Add to Cart
The Triumphant Procession K102-C Add to Cart
Do You Need More Faith? K103-C Add to Cart
The Problem Is Our Unbelief K104-C Add to Cart